Hellenic Equestrian Federation

George Papadopoulos

passed away

With deep sadness and special emotion, Hellenic Equestrian Sport says goodbye to a pioneer of Endurance, George Papadopoulos, who passed away today at the age of 58 and after a long and uneven battle with illness.

His love for horses brought him to the sport, in fact he was one of the founding members and president of the nature-loving Equestrian Club of Komotini, from where he left when he joined endurance as a judge.

George was a national and international steward and judge and the only TD of Equestrian sport in Greece. George was a pillar of the Endurance, Member of the Technical Committee since its inception, present at all competitions from start to finish, at every start and finish. He helped the sport by laying the foundations and with his knowledge, professionalism, dedication and passion led it to its development, not only in Greece but also in the neighboring countries.

But above all, George was a man full of love and kindness. Laughing, calm and always optimistic! He transmitted this love and this optimism to everyone and this is how he will be remembered.

His Funeral will take place on M. Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 12:00 at I. N. Kosmas Aitolou in Komotini (behind Komotini shopping center).

The Board of Directors and the Staff of HEF express their deepest condolences to his family.

 George, we will always remember you with love, for many kilometers to come!


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