Hellenic Equestrian Federation

Development Polynikes

Equestrian action 23-24/11

photo: Photobit

In addition to the Panhellenic Endurance Competitions, the two-days of November 23 and 24 included important competitions in other equestrian sports throughout Greece.

On Saturday, the finals of the Autumn Development for Southern Greece in Show Jumping took place at the Kouvaras Equestrian Club, with the announcement of the Polynies in three classes.

In the 1.00m H category, Polyniks was Vasileia Elisavet Saya of AIOE with Etairnel, who collected a total of 75 points in this year's competitions. In the 1.05-1.10m ZE category, Polyniks was Emmelia Oikonomopoulou of IOMS with C Implosion with 62.5 points and Polyniks in the 1.15m D category was Alexandros Nassis of AIOE with Apollo with 57.5 points.

In detail, the Polynikes of Development https://www.hef.gr/attachments/article/120/polynikes_anaptixi_fthinoporo24.pdf 

Also, on Sunday, 24/11, the 2nd driving competitions of the year were held at the Olympic Equestrian Center, with winners Virginia Zaverdinou of IOM with Raisa and Giorgos Koulouras of IPPOK with Aianta and Distinto.


Finally, the last license of the year was held at the Equestrian Academy of Crete, with 9 athletes receiving the license to participate in dressage competitions.


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