Hellenic Equestrian Federation

AEF 2021 - 3rd day

Win for Greece at the NC CSIOCH!

photos: Photobit

The third penultimate day of the Athens Equestrian Festival 2021, which is being held at the Olympic Equestrian Center in Markopoulo, was completed in the best way for the Greek colors.

 In the last class of the day, the CSIOCH Nations Cup the Greek Team managed to win the gold medal after an interesting competition.

 The four Greek athletes Amaryllis Paraschaki with Havanna, Maya Drakaki with Broadway, Marianna Theodorou with Segovia Time and Artemis Talliaki with Hip Hop had 8 penalty points in the two rounds and climbed to the highest step.

 In 2nd place was the team of Turkey with 12 points and in 3rd place the team of Romania with 16 points.



In Class 11 CSIYH winner was Norbert Schumman ROU with Coco Chanel with 0 penalties and a time of 25.59. In 3rd place for Greece Painted Black and Kriton Zafiropoulos with 0 penalties and time 29.30 and in 2nd place for Italy Jack Daniels and Filippo Lupis with 0 penalties and time 28,41.

Winner in today's CSI1 * class of 1.25m. was for Turkey Mehmet Sarp Ozengin with Zaky with the fastest clear round in time 62.73. In 2nd and 3rd place were two Greek athletes, Semeli Popp with Arabella with a time of 62.77 and Panagiotis Tsaktiris with Voyou de Grece with a time of 63.41.

Winner of Class 12 was Victoria Isaeva & Lazur from Cyprus having the quickest clear round and a time 25.10. In 2nd and 3rd places were two Greek athletes, Diogenis Palegdas on Carlo Lombardi Z with 0 penalties and time 26.35 and Sofia Kalantzopoulou on Shakira Z with 0 penalties and a time 27.56.

In Class 13 CSI 1* the 1st place went to Turkey and Mehmet Sarp Özengin & Zaky who was the fastest of all the riders with time 62.73 and a clear round. In 2nd and 3rd place there were two Greek riders, Semeli Popp & Arabella in time 62.77 and Panayiotis Tsaktiris on Voyou de Grece in time 63.41.

Tomorrow the fourth and last day of the AEF 2021 will start at 9.00 and will include four classes with the best being the Longines EEF Series Nations Cup Athens at 16.00 with the participation of the Greek Team and also Turkey, Italy, Romania and Bulgaria.


Press Office, AEF 2021 & HEF





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