Hellenic Equestrian Federation

AEF 2021 - 4th day

Turkey, winner of the Longines EEF Series Athens CSIO3*-W  Nations Cup!

With Turkey winning the gold medal in the last Nations Cup of the Longines EEF Series Athens CSIO3*-W, the Athens Equestrian Festival 2021 ended yesterday afternoon with great success.

 The four Turkish athletes Hasan Senturk with Lycon, Taha Yedikares with License, Necmi Eren with Unique d’Elbe and Husnu Dinc with Dowing Street scored the least penalty points in both rounds, 19, winning the highest step of the podium. In 2nd place was with 21 points the team of Italy and with 24 points in 3rd place the team of Romania.

 Greece made a very good appearance with the four athletes Monica Martini with Electic Elvis, Angelos Touloupis with Blue Balou, Alexandros Fourlis with Grandeur and George Dimaras with Sacripan to collect 25 points in the two rounds and take the 5th place.

 The prizes of the Nations Cup were awarded by Mr. Giannis Theofilopoulos, Brand Manager of Longines Greece, the Deputy Minister of Sports and Culture, Mr. Lefteris Avgenakis, Mr. Stelios Petsas, Deputy Minister of Interior, Mr. George Dimaras, member of the EEF Board and Secretary General of HEF, Mr. Kostas Karakasilis, HEF’s President and Mr.YGiannis Mytilineos, National Sponsor.

The Turkish athletes at the end of the competition were excited both with the result and of course with the organization.

Taja Yedikares: This was my first nations cup and this was my first win with the Turkish team and I couldn’t be happier. I would like to thank my team for giving me such a result!

Husnu Dinc: I would like to thank the Hellenic Equestrian Federation for organizing such a big event and such a successful event after this Covid pandemic. It was an amazing result for us.

Necmi Eren: I am really young in the Turkish team. This was my second Nations Cup to jump, and I thank everybody for this result!

 In the children's Grand Prix, 8 athletes managed to make a clear round qualifying for the jump off. The bronze medal went to Greece and Arianna Darema with Callice with 0 points and a time of 33.18 in the jump off. Big winner was Alin Yazici from from Turkey with Ascatano Z with also 0 points and the best time of 31.45. In 2nd place was Mariam Albatul Nasser with Chacco Bello from Romania with 0 points and time of 31.63.

 At the CSI1 Grand Prix *, Turkish Necmi Eren was again the winner with Idon Vera after a jump off between 9 athletes with a clear round and a best time of 35.57. In 2nd and 3rd place was for Greece Yiannis Skandalis with Indy S with 0 points and a time of 36.07 and Katerina Doubodel with Fleur with 0 points and a time of 36.19.

 Ιn today's first class 16 CSIYH the winner was the Italian Filippo Lupis with Jack Daniels with 0 points and the best time in the jump off 32.74, where 4 athletes took part. In 3rd place was Kriton Zafeiropoulos with Cortana K Z with 8 points in the jump off and in 2nd place was Fatih Cagatay Cakmak from Turkey with Cassis de Toxandria with 0 points and a time of 37.22.



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