Hellenic Equestrian Federation

Athens CSI 2023 4th day

Baliousis Athens CSI GP winner !

Markopoulo, September 3, 2023

Press release

With a victory for Greece in the most important event of the four-day event, the Athens CSI*2023 EEF Evolution League was successfully completed a little while ago.

In the 1.40m Grand Prix competition. two Greek athletes won 1st and 3rd place. Ilias Baliousi with Casper d'Argouges who had a double clear round and the best time of 57.76 in the 2nd round. In 3rd place was Kriton Zafeiropoulos with Dicaprio with 4 points in the 2nd round, while in 2nd place was Dilara Pars from Turkey with Daramis de Champlong also with 0 points in both rounds and a time of 61.63. The prizes were awarded by the President of HOC, Mr. Spyros Kapralos and the President of the HEF, Mr. Kostas Karakasilis.

In the Children Grand Prix competition 1.20m. the first place also had Greek color. After a jump off between five children who were clear in round 1, Loukas Baliousis with Uidji with a clear course and the best time, was the big winner. In 2nd place was Stefani Georgiou from Cyprus with Cola Light with 0 points and a time of 47.20 and in 3rd place was Turkish Yigit Ahmer Han with Viper with 4 points.

In the 1.25m competition. the winner was Petros Georgiou from Cyprus with Condor 10 with a double clear round and a time of 33.42. In 2nd and 3rd place, respectively, the Turkish Nil Ozvanligil with Firocco with 0 points and a time of 33.72 and Yannis Christodoulopoulos with Princess Diana Capitol with 0 points and a time of 34.16.

In the 1.15m competition. two Romanians were in the first two places. Zontal Antal with Casalino was the winner while in 2nd place was Isabel Iulia Agirbicean with Fabiola 290. Third was Sofia Forster Georgiou from Cyprus with Cindy. 

In the first competition of the day young horses, in the 5-year-old category of 1.10m, the 1st and 2nd place was taken by Dimitris Natsis with his two horses Sofani van Dasseghem and Nerosa and in the 6-7-year-old category of 1.25m. first was the Turkish Cem Vardar with Lupo P.

Balkan Dressage and Jumping CH will follow September 7-10, at the Olympic Equestrian Center in Markopoulos.


From her Press Office

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