Hellenic Equestrian Federation

Panhellenic Dressage Winners

Stavroyianni, Maika, Georgoulea, Tourkomani Panhellenic Winners 2017

Markopouo, December 4

Press release

photo: Photobit

Four amazons were the Pan-Hellenic Winners of the 70th Pan-Hellenic Games, successfully completed yesterday afternoon in the indoor arena of the Markopoulo Olympic Equestrian Center.

In the Seniors class after yesterday's freestyle Panhellenic winner again after two years was Electra Stavroyianni with Wendy with a total percentage of the two events of the weekend, 68.54%. In 2nd place was this year's Senior Champion Stelios Stavroulakis with Baiao with 68.11%, while Antonia Tsamandoura with Hope for the Future was 3rd with 67.35%. IOB's amazon was the winner at yesterday's freestyle event.

Elizabeth Maika and Sir Kavalier, who was the Pan-Hellenic winner in the junior class last year, was the winner this year in the Young Riders Class. AKIB's amazon collected a total of 63.68% of the two events. In 2nd place was Ermioni Seremeta with Luxemberg with a total of 58.50%.

In the Junior category, Rafaelia Georgoulea with Cassian won the title of Panhellenic winner with a percentage of 64.56%. The second was Elli Kokkalaki with Cliff Richard with 59.06%.

In the category of Children the successes were continued by this year's champion and Balkan champion Maria Eleni Tourkomani with Dj, who won the title of Pan-Hellenic winner with a total percentage of 61.75%. Second was Eirini Dimitrievic with Escordio with 61.33%.

Apart from these titles, three titles of Polnikes were awarded. In the St George event, Antonia Tsamandoura with Hope for the Future, in A3 Eirini Dimitrijevic with Escordio, and Alejander Krasimirov and Capuchino in the C4 class.

The 70th Pan-Hellenic Games continue this four-day 7-10 December with jumping.


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