Hellenic Equestrian Federation

The Jumping Winners 2020

The Jumping Winners (Polynikes) for Development SG and Jumping NG

Markopoulo, July 21st 2020

Press Release 

The first season of the equestrian program was successfully completed, following the resumption of sports activity in June due to the pandemic.

Last weekend, July 18th and 19th, the 6th Development Jumping Competition and the 5th Dressage Competition of the year took place at the Olympic Equestrian Center in Markopoulo, while in Northern Greece and the Macedonian Equestrian Center  the 5th Diasyllogikoi Jumping Finals were held. The Winners of the year in the categories of Development for Southern Greece and the Jumping for Northern Greece were named.

Development Winners SG 2020:

Class Η – height1.00m.

  1. A. Polychronopoulos - Chacco Lux – ΙΟΜ – 69p.
  2. E. Chatzistavrakis – C Est Moi – ΕΙΟ – 56p.
  3. Emily Anne Thomas – Gosina – ΑΟΙ – 50p.

Class Ζ – height 1.05m.

  1. N. Theodosiou – Kincsem Antigone – ΙΟΚΑΛSG – 73p.
  2. M. Kapetanou – Irmani vant Ruitershof – 65,5p.
  3. S. Popp – Iren – EIO – 65p.

Class Ζ Team Winner – height 1.05m.

  1. IOVOP– 100p.
  2. ΙΟKALSG – 96,5p.
  3. ΙΟΑ – 89,5p.

Class Ε – height 1.10m.

  1. Daniela Korleone – Franko – AIOAT – 69,5p.
  2. M. Kokkinaki – Armagedon – ΕΙΟ – 63p.
  3. N. Drougas – Upper Star Hero – IPPOK-50,5p.

Winners NG 2020:

Class Η – height 1.00m.

  1. A. Chasapi – Ri Very – IOTHER– 176p.
  2. E. Kaltsidou – Lemon – ΙΟΒΕ – 104p.
  3. N. Styliani Michali – Victoria – KIS– 84p.

Class Ε – height 1.10m.

  1. M. Kazis – Madonna – ΙΟΘ – 182p.
  2. Γιώργος Βορεόπουλος – Jolansa BMG – KAI – 138p.
  3. Χρυσαυγή Βασιλειάδη – Dario Dellup – IKEM – 132p.

Class D – height 1.15m.

  1. M. Gounela – For Conty – ΙΟΘ – 178p.
  2. Ch. Vasileiadi – Dario Dellup – IKEM – 170p.
  3. D. Koukoulis – Cash Flow – ΚΑΙ – 106p.

Class C – height 1.20m.

  1. D. Boutisis – Aks Colour Line – ΙΚΕΜ – 163p.
  2. E. Topalidis – Di Natale – ΙΟΠΙ – 152p.
  3. D. Paschalidis – Nick – ΙΚΕΜ – 144p.

Two competitions preceded on June 20-21 and July 4-5 at the Olympic Equestrian Center with many participants, which in total exceeded 1100. In June and July, jumping and dressage competitions were held in Thessaloniki and Crete, as well as endurance competitions in Kilkis and Athens.

These data confirm that the Greek equestrian sport came out of the first months of the pandemic responsibly, organized and without losses due to the effort of all.

The next goal of Greek Equestrian Sport is the Balkan Championships that are scheduled to take place in Bulgaria in September and October, if conditions allow.

From the Press Office of the Hellenic Equestrian Federation


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